wow, I was tired. I woke up at 6am but went back to bed real fast. Until 11H30, until crazy mad yappy dogs next door woke me up from barking in their yard.

I slept very very well and had amazing dreams last night, in the morning especially. And reflections about those who can do a lot and those, like me, who cannot do much at all.

I wonder, if anything, what it says about our moral character this state-

Doing much or doing little? I really dont know. Some people have a LOT of energy and dont need to sleep much at all. They have been educated and are now specialised doctors with 4 kids and a divorce.  (Friends of sister and in law who were impressive in their lives). Do they have more merit than Rosie and I, who have suffered or done nothing with oursleves from lack of capacity? I suspect the answer , the wise one, is NO. But I would like to hear more about the explanation.... If only I had a lama to ask the question to, or a head nun....