You won't hear me complaining, no way ,Jose.

The ice cream is ready and hubby is coming to check on it right now from his room upstairs.

I have barely been out today. Unfortunate: one single walk outside, in the hood, not even in nature.

I have put on nostalgia throwback with Bake sale by Sebadoh, a band from the 90s, alternative.

I am having flashes of walking the streets of my hometown in saint bruno when I was living temporarily back at mom an ddad's in my 20s.  The streets had wide width and no cars traffic where I was. I decided to go for a walk. I may have been convalescing from a crisis for a couple of weeks. the vibe was very far, in the middle of nowhere but just memory lane of my kiddy years playing in those streets. It was sad a bit and I felt a bit alienated or lost at 20 walking those streets temporarily.