I would have NEVER ever contemplated letting my own dog do that. He is hubby's dog first and foremost. His only one. I never understood how whiskey's brain worked and how I could have trained him at anything. I could not. He is a holy dog from a long time ago. He was born to be our therapy dog, mine especially. And this is probably why he refused to be trained by us or anyone we met with him. He is superbly stubborn. One never trains their therapist. Even if he is just a zen passive aggressive civil disobedient Ghandi.  In a rebirth as a dog we both thought a genius as soon as we met him in the adoption centre. Zen civil disobedient to the max. His passive aggressiveness which seemed to have bugged me a few times has now turned into total glutonny. No one is perfect. Not even Zen master dog Ghandi-Whiskey.