I am all stressed out to the max tonight. The ceiling moldy in the loo, the crack in the wall by the door at the back, the deck at the front, falling apart, the cat dying, the sore of hubby no one can diagnose etc. I am super stressed out. I feel like getting shitfaced drunk on cider not jaggermeister, which I never get drunk on, it tastes too odd. It is a sipper. Or again, i could just go to bed right now. It is close to 10pm. Please Blanche Tara, help me relax tonight and Green tara and buddha too. I am making an effort to pray to You and not only to God and Jesus and Virgin Mary. but to You all specifically. please help us naviguate the next few months. And years. In peace and love. Om mani peme hung om tare tuttare ture svoha Om mani peme hung amen! 


My faith in Buddha and the two Taras is reaffirmed tonight. A great peace overcame me after I had written the previous post. This post. buddha and the Taras truly feel our sorrow and stress and confidences. Their energy, a godly energy, does. Or we feel them rather, and God feels us.

The evening is very nice and all tension has dissipated. I will not go buy ciders. I feel a heavy arm in my right arm when i drink. Maybe psychological and psychosomatic but I dont want to risk it. I took a half sleeping pill anyway and one should not mix that with booze.